Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yes………No………….. Maybe So?

O, my poor husband I don’t know how many times I’ll point someone out and say “Am I as big as her?” Of course his answer is always no but sometimes I wonder if he is really telling me the truth! Obviously my perception is off on the way I look because I’ll look in the mirror and sometimes tell myself that I am not that fat but if I see a picture of myself it almost makes me want to throw up! How can the camera and mirror make me look totally different? I guess it’s the same way when I ask my momma if I am fat and she will tell me the truth and yes it does make me feel bad but IT’S THE TRUTH!

So, what would I rather be told YES you are fat or NO you’re not? I actually I shouldn’t even be asking that question because I know the answer and it doesn’t matter how other people see me! It only matters how I see myself and I see myself as a big ‘ole fatty and I don‘t like it!

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