Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bark at me!

The title of this blog really doesn't give you any clue as to what this post is about but I was at McDonald's the other day and a young man answered his phone and said "Bark at me!" So, I have taken on that saying when I answer the phone (when it is appropriate)! 
So, what's knew with Lynsey?  For Starters I got a JOB! I now work at Farmers Insurance. I swore when I worked at State Farm that I would never ever ever work for another insurance company but, here I am and I love it! Today was my 7th day and things are going great! When I went in for my interview I got really good vibes from the place and I knew that it was where I was supposed to be! It is still insurance and that is bittersweet but the people are great and it is a good place to work!  The insurance business is not a business that everyone can do! It takes a toll on you and well I needed a break from it but now I am back and ready to go! I don't dread going to work in the morning! I am having fun learning knew things about there company and trying to train my brain to think Farmers and not State Farm (i did work there for 6 years) I plan to stay where I am for a while but, you never know! 
We have been super busy with our photography company that it is making me crazy we are overbooking ourselves and now that I have a job that I work 9hrs a day I don't have a lot of time to edit pictures or spend time with my precious Brody boy! Michael and I decided that we are going to cut back.... I hate it but, It is something we have to do!  We still live with my parents but we won't for long! My anxiety and depression seem to be doing ok and I am at a good place! I haven't said that in a while!  

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