Monday, September 12, 2011

For the 1st time made to suit!

I am laid up in bed with a broken heart, while he’s out doing whatever he wants. How did we get into this mad situation? We are only doing things out of frustration. We are trying to make it work but these times are hard! I need him now but he can't seem to find the time. How did we get in this mess? Is it God's test?

Someone help us 'cause we're doing our best, we are trying to make it work but these times are hard. We should start by staying up and talking all night, saying things we haven't said for a while.
We're smiling but we're close tears, even after all these years! We just now got the feeling that we're needed for the first time in a while. But we both know how we're gonna make it work when it hurts, you pick yourself up when you get kicked to the dirt. We are trying to make it work but, these times are hard. Oh!  These times are hard; yeah they're making us crazy. Please don't give up on us baby!

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