Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Letters to Michael


I am sorry for all the pain that I caused you. I am sorry that I changed and was no longer the girl that you once loved. I know that I am difficult and impossible to live with but I needed you. I needed you to love me and show me that you loved me and tell me that you loved me. I needed support and understanding and a safe place. I have felt like forever and it's just been me against the world. It is hard when I put so much pressure on myself and then to add the weight of the world to that it is hard to handle.  I have had a rough couple of years and no one understands me. I am sorry that I wasn't the wife that I should have been but I think we had a hard start from the beginning and never really overcame that. It is like our marriage has one been a struggle over and over. I think that you are wonderful and a great dad. I just wish I could have been better. Thank you for being a great part of my life.


First off I want to tell you that I am truly sorry for all of the things that I have done that have been selfish and hurtful to you! I realize that my actions have not shown you that I love you and that I want to be with but I do and I promise that I will stop doing what I have been doing. I know that I am depressed and I sometimes feel like it isn't even me that is acting this way. I will be a better mother to Brody and I will get serious about finding a job and I will check back in. I know that I have been distancing myself and really not wanting to involve myself in anything and I am sorry and I will do better!  If you don't want to get back together right now just let me know that we may have a chance and I will begin to work on myself! I just don't want us to divorce! We have been in this marriage to long to throw it away! We have made it through some tough stuff and I know that you have had to deal with a lot from me but I am sorry and I want nothing more than to try and get back to a happy place for both of us! Brody needs his mother and father together! Please say we have a chance! I love you!

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