Saturday, August 13, 2011

It is your turn!

I feel like I get beat down constantly! I never do anything right! When I do something it is never good enough! I am just so over it I just want to give up! I don't understand how someone can assume that they know how long it takes me to get my job done because they don't! I don't go to his work and tell him that he should have had this and that done and it is taking him entirely to long to do it! He has know idea how long it takes to look at every single picture and decide which is the best and then edit the good ones! When i do a wedding I have to at least look at over a thousand pictures and compare them to the other pictures that are pretty much the same to make sure the custome is getting the best of what we have! He doesn't know because he doesn't do it. He doesn't know how time consuming it is to try to figure out the best way to edit a picture because of the things he did while taking them! The next wedding we do I am going to be the lead photographer and he can edit all those damn pictures!

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